The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) sets out clear duties for Clients, but it also acknowledges that most Clients will not be experts in construction. They must however have access to competent health and safety advice for their projects.
“A Client CDM Advisor will guide and assist the Client in complying with their legal duties and provide an oversight to ensure other appointed duty holders meet with their legal obligations.”
Our Health and Safety Consultants are fully qualified and experienced in all disciplines under CDM 2015 and as such we are fully conversant with what each duty holder should be doing. As your Client Advisor we will start by ensuring that you are aware of your duties and then compile a Client Brief document for your project. Throughout the project, we will support you to ensure that all your duties are fully discharged from concept through to completion for example advising on the collation of Pre-Construction Information, Principal Contractor assessment, Construction Phase Plan review, reporting on health and safety arrangements via site visits, supporting the completion of the Health and Safety File etc.
Please connect with us so one of our consultants can contact you to discuss ways in which we can help.